
Bauxite mining creates considerable social, environmental and human rights challenges. Recognizing this, we have placed sustainability at the heart of our corporate strategy 456

To do so, we strive to comply with all national and international legislation applicable to our industry, as well as with the highest standards of environmental and social management performance. These standards include those of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI), which is in the process of being certified, ISO standards, and the United Nations' guiding principles on business and human rights.


Our approach

Our approach is based on the adhesion, involvement and active participation of our stakeholders in the initiation and realization of our projects and activities, particularly in favor of local communities and the environment. It is a matter of ensuring that they take ownership of them in order to guarantee the success and sustainability of the achievements. The promotion and respect of the traditional and cultural heritage as well as the human rights of local communities remain a top priority in this approach.

Our commitments

CBG is committed to developing and maintaining trusting and sustainable relationships with local communities based on mutual respect, transparency, active partnership and long-term commitment. Our company ensures that its community investments are aligned with community priority areas such as health, education and basic infrastructure to name a few. CBG is committed to adhering to national and international practices and standards to manage and mitigate environmental and social risks and impacts in order to promote and enhance sustainable development.