CBG is developing a range of bauxite deposits in the prefectures of Boké, Télimélé and Gaoual. The most important of these is the Sangarédi plateau, whose alumina content is unique in the world.
The process runs from the Sangarédi mine to the Kamsar factory via a 135 km railway line.
At Sangarédi, bauxite is produced according to a well-executed mining plan. The process consists of drilling holes in the mine, loading them and blasting them with the ANFO explosive. The hole pattern is designed to achieve optimal ore fragmentation.
After this operation, the bauxite is loaded into 77-100 metric ton trucks and transported to the homogenisation stockpiles at N'Dangara. It is then loaded into trains (120 cars of 82 tonnes each) which transport it to the Kamsar plant. The production flow is maintained continuously through a rotation loop.
At Kamsar, the raw material is crushed in a giant workshop and handled to the production control stocks or to the drying kilns. The crushed and dried bauxite is then sent for loading onto ships with capacities ranging from 50 to 70 thousand tonnes on average.
With the expansion of our operating capacities, we will produce up to 19 million tonnes per year in the first phase, 25 million tonnes in the second and possibly 28 million tonnes in the third phase. By doing this in the best possible conditions and health and safety, we are positioning ourselves as one of the biggest and best bauxite producers in the world.